6% of Children & 11% of Families Meet Thriving Benchmarks
Search Institute is a research firm that focuses on the health and well-being of children and families.
Since 1990, they have conducted landmark research with over 3 million children throughout the U.S. Two of their studies, "The State of Developmental Assets among American Youth" and "The American Family
Assets Survey" highlight key elements needed for the wellbeing of children and families.
The Wellbeing of Children
The Search Institute identified four factors that impact the healthy development of children. They've suggested benchmarks in each of the four, which when met, indicate that a child is truly thriving. Not just "not at risk" - but thriving, and equipped with the foundation they'll need to become happy, confident, responsible adults.
In their 2011 survey of over 89,000 youth in 26 states,
only 6% met the suggested benchmarks in all four categories.
The four categories Search Institute used in this study and their suggested benchmarks are as follows:
To better understand what is meant by
"thriving" vs. "not at risk"
it helps to look in more detail at the first of these four categories,
the 40 Developmental Assets.
These 40 Developmental Assets consist of positive supports, opportunities, and relationship qualities young people need across all aspects of their lives (called “external assets”) and personal skills, social emotional strengths, self-perceptions, and values they need to make good choices, take responsibility for their actions, and be independent (called “internal assets”).
The 20 external assets include:
Positive family communication
Caring school climates
Adult role models
Participation in creative activities
Involvement in Spritual / Religious Communities
The 20 internal assets include:
Interpersonal skills
Peaceful conflict resolution skills
For a full list of the 40 Developmental Assets and to learn more about Search Institute's work, use the following link:
What does it mean for kids that only 6% are thriving? Click below to find out.
The Wellbeing of Families
The Search Institute has conducted the most comprehensive survey of family assets in the U.S. The survey explored the link between family assets and measurable outcomes for young people, parenting adults, and families.
Only 11% of families scored "excellent" - having 16 - 21 family assets.
The average family had less than half the assets that are ideal for families.
What are Family Assets?
Relationships, opportunities, values, and self-perceptions that position family members to thrive.
The 5 Categories of Family Assets
Family Meals
Shared Activities
Meaningful Traditions
Neighborhood Bonds
Supportive Resources
Relationships with Others
Enriching Activities
Adapting to
Managing Daily Tasks
Problem Solving
Democratic Decision-Making
Fair Rules
Clear Expectations
Contributions to Family
Defined Boundaries
Openness about Tough Topics
Emotional Openness
Positive Communication
Support for Passions and Interests
Hover on a
Circle to see
the assets
Families were given a score from 0 to 100 based on how many of the 21 assets they possessed.
The Family Assets Index assesses where families land on The Search Institute's aspirational ideal for healthy families.
Parenting adults hold the responsibility to establish and nurture these family assets. Children should be involved at age-appropriate levels, but developmentally, they don't have the skills to establish and nurture them. However, as the parenting adults create and foster these assets, they model how to do so for their children.
The Family Asset Index contains 21 assets grouped in 5 categories.
What does having more or less assets mean for families? Click below to find out.